Monday, June 20, 2011

Kids Safety on Escalators

Recently it was reported in the news that a 2 year old boy lost 4 of his fingers when he felled off an escalator at a shopping mall in Tanjong Agas at Ledang, Johor Bahru. The boy was on the descending escalator and he lost his balance, felled on the steps and got his fingers caught between the steps of the escalators which crushed his fingers.

Parents of young kids should always hold the hands of their kids when taking an escalators. Most parents forget or are ignorant that escalators are machines, it is just liked a conveyor belts to get people moving. I have seen parents letting their kids play with escalators all the time in the malls. They let their kids run, sit, jump and race down an ascending escalators. I have also seen young parents holding their prams while taking an escalators. If you are holding a pram or a kid in your arms, it would be advisable to take the lift instead.

Here are some safety tips to take note when riding on an escalator -

1) never ride barefoot. When wearing shoes, make sure that the shoe laces are firmly tied on your shoes and not loose.

2) don't ride with prams, walkers, shopping carts and wheel chairs.

3) always hold your kid's hand firmly. Kids at young age have not fully developed their motor and development skills. They can lose their balance easily and fall.

4) don't put your handbag, article and any objects on the handrail of the escalators. I have actually seen some parents putting their kids on the handrail for a couple of seconds - letting them sit on the handrails. These are idiotic parents.

5) don't allow your kids to loiter around the escalators. Move away from the escalator quickly after you have step off because there may be people behind you.

6) keep your feet away from the sides of the escalator steps. This is where your shoelaces, pants bottom or any object may be trapped and entangled.

7) If you are carrying shopping bags and handling a child at the same time, don't use the escalator, just take the lift.

8) if the escalator is faulty, don't use it - take the stairs or lift.

Parents must understand that it is their sole responsibility to ensure that their kids ride the escalator safely. It is useless to start blaming others when their kids are injured because of their carelessness or "could not be bothered" attitude.