Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mail Boxes in Johor Bahru

   I was in Johor Bahru just outside City Square and decided to just cross the road and visit the Plaza Senin. This is a very old shopping mall in Johor Bahru city and despite its age, there were still many shoppers visiting this mall. Then my friend asked me whether there was any mail box around as she wanted to post 2 postcards. I asked some people and they directed me to the street that is at the back of this mall


    My friend and I walked to the street as directed, but there was no mail box in sight. It seems that finding a mail box here was quite difficult. But as we wandered around the street further, I saw the mail boxes - there were two. Both are by the side of each other located near the open space car park, comfortably rested under the shade of a tree. One mail box is yellow and the other is Red in color. The yellow color mailbox has the word Ekspres which in my opinion means Express. The red mail box have 2 slots and it simply state Pos Malaysia Berhad. My friend dropped the postcards in the yellow mail box, which hopefully was the correct mail box for her postcards. Anyway, if it is wrong, I believe the post office staff will sort it out correctly later in the Post Office.

   I think the Post Office of Malaysia can make the mail boxes more user friendly by putting signage on the mail boxes in English for the sake of international travelers. For example if the mail box is for international mails, just put the words ' For International Mails Only'. The color of yellow and Red are good because I could spot the bright color mail boxes far away. However the location of the mail boxes can be improved upon. I think these mailboxes should be placed in busy areas along the pavement of the main street or the next to a busy bus stop, instead of hiding it in the car park at the back of the rows of shop houses.

   For more information/photos/blogs/videos on Johor Bahru and Malaysia, visit our website by following on the link below:-
