Friday, June 17, 2011

Fitness Club & Gym in Malaysia

Some of my friends have asked me to join them in the Fitness club or Gym that they are currently members. I have been doing daily exercise on my own. Basically it is just a brisk walk around a Park for about 4 km every day. This walking exercise has help me to stay trim and healthy. I liked walking in the Park as it is very therapeutic and I get to see lots of trees and water ( reservoir) as well.

I have been to a couple of Gym and Fitness center when I stayed in various hotels in Malaysia. I wouldn't want to join a Fitness club which is surrounded by walls. I do not liked to exercise on a equipment facing a wall - very boring. One of the best Gym that I have been to is in Kuala Lumpur. When I exercise on a treadmill, I could have a clear view of Kuala Lumpur city itself. All the walls are made of glass and the Gym is located at the highest floor of this hotel.


I am not a exercise fanatic. Whenever I am in a Gym, I would leave the place in 1 hour and then proceed to the swimming pool. So I guess I won't be joining my friends in their fitness club as many of the equipments are facing the walls.