Tuesday, July 10, 2012

4 in 1 Instant Coffee

In most supermarkets, you can easily find different brands of instant coffee and most of them are either 2 in 1 or 3 in 1 instant coffee. Recently I saw a 4 in 1 instant coffee bag for sale in Johor Bahru. This coffee originated from Melaka and I have not heard of this brand called Meet U Malaysia Coffee brand. Anyway, this Meet U brand had 2 types of 4 in 1 instant coffee bags which I had bought.

First is the Melaka Gold White Extreme Coffee. It is a 4 in 1 instant coffee that is made of malt chocolate, Robusta white coffee, sugar and creamer. It is similar to cafe mocha and the good thing is that it is not too sweet in taste. Overall the taste is nice and it is creamer than the normal 3 in 1 instant coffee - perhaps due to the added malt chocolate.

The second 4 in 1 instant coffee is called the Black and White Platinum Coffee. It is made of White and Black coffee - traditional black coffee and Robusta White coffee, sugar and creamer. The taste is a stronger cup of coffee as compared to the above Melaka Gold White Coffee - which is my preference. And the coffee is not too sweet as well, which is good for me.

Just when I thought I have seen it all; I saw a 5 in 1 instant coffee on the shelf. This must be the mother of all instant coffee. The 5 in 1 coffee is made up of Tongkat Ali, Ginseng, White Coffee, Sugar and Creamer.

If you want to read more about this 5 in 1 instant coffee, just follow the link below: -

5 in 1 Instant Coffee