Thursday, June 2, 2011

Not Buying Food From China

For the past one year, I have been systematically not buying food products that are made in China. This is because China safety food record has really gone down so badly that whenever I see food coming from China, I have this uneasy feeling that I am eating poison or toxic. It is so common to read the news about poisonous food made in China. Recently, there was a case of thousands of water melons exploding in the China's farm; as too much chemicals were added to it to made it grow faster and bigger. Can you imagine if you have consumed such water melons? If the water melon can explode, it sure can do lots of damage to your stomach and body if you eat such chemical tainted water melons.

Other examples of poisonous food from China are 1) the famous poisonous infant milk and diary milk where thousands of children became ill after drinking it. 2) instant noodles containing high level of chemicals 3) farm eggs that are fake  4) fruits containing harmful pesticide 5) pet dog food that actually kills your dog. 5) non food product - toys that contains so much lead that it makes your children sick.



So whenever I go to the supermarket, I will avoid buying any food products from China - such as apples, oranges, fruits, vegetables, mushroom, meat, beverages, biscuits, candies and so on . Some of my friends says that my action may be too extreme. But I tell them that there are so many variety of food products that you can choose even if you don't buy China's food products. My health is paramount and I will avoid any products from China as far as it is possible.

Does it mean that I will avoid eating food from China indefinitely? Of course not. The responsibility falls entirely on China to ensure the safety of the food that it produce. Recently it was reported in the state-run Xinhua news agency that the government may imposed death penalty for these criminals who produce/make poisonous food; in cases where people die from food safety violations. There will also be harsher punishment for government officials found protecting food safety violators or accepting bribes from them. That is the way to go. Criminals that produce poisonous food should be shot - let there be no mercy. Otherwise they will be continue with the act of producing more poisonous food that kills thousand of people or making them sick.