Monday, June 27, 2011

Closure of Tanjong Pagar Railway Station

Some people told me that they wouldl missed the Tanjong Pagar Railway station after its closure this month. I have been to this railway station a few times now and I felt that this railway station has not keep up with the time at all. Everything in the Tanjong Pagar Railway station is so old and worn out. Even the seats at the common hall is totally worn out. So how can KTM Malaysia continue to serve travelers and its customers in such pathetic environment. So I would not missed this railway station if I going to take a train to Malaysia.

 My friends told me that some of the food sold there are delicious. During lunch time, the railway food station and the adjacent canteen are always packed with people. Yes, I agree that there are some very nice food there; but the canteen environment there is cramped, hot and stuffy during lunch hour. Hopefully the existing food stalls wouldl also moved to the new railway station complex at Woodlands.

I have written a blog, video and photos of the Tanjong Pagar Railway station in my other blog, just follow the link below:-

Tanjong Pagar Railway Station

For those who are keen to view more photos of this railway station, just go to my main website and visit the photo gallery -