Sunday, September 20, 2009

Durian is voted an Unusual Food

   The King of Fruit which is the humble durian has been listed in as the No. 5 most unusual food in the world - which is according to the survey that it has conducted among its members. If any organization would to conduct a survey in Asia about durian, then I believe the result will show that there is nothing unusual about it. People in Asia, especially Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia simply love durian, which is why it is given the crown - King of Tropical Fruit. I have written a blog about durian and if you keen to read about it, just follow this link

    Durian - Asian's Favorite Fruit

   By the way, if you have not tried eating durian, you should do so. It is not as horrible in taste as what you may have heard from people or from the postings in some forums. Most people will gradually love this fruit as they try more of it, and thereafter for some people it become an addiction.

    To read more blogs and view photos and videos on Malaysia and Singapore, you can go to this link  -