Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Penang Laksa from Johor Bahru

My friend and I was at a food fair held in KSL City mall in Johor Bahru. She saw a food kiosk selling Penang Laksa. She went to the food kiosk to order one bowl while I was seated nearby. When she came back and placed the food on the table, I saw that the the Penang Laksa was served in a plastic cup and it cost RM5. Quite frankly I was quite disappointed at the way Penang Laksa was served to customers from this food kiosk. The least this food stall could do was to served it in a Styrofoam or paper bowl.

I tasted the Penang Laksa, the gravy was bland and watery and lack the authentic taste of a good Penang Laksa. There was very little other ingredients added to it except the noodles. I felt that this Penang Laksa was a disappointment in quality and taste. Definitely not worth the money. Anyway my friend said that this would be the first and last time that she would be ordering any food from this food stall.

For myself, I ordered a durian ice cream which cost RM10. The durian ice cream was really nice though I felt that RM10 for a plastic cup of durian ice cream was quite expensive. To read about the the durian ice cream and a new 4 in 1 coffee bag which I had bought; just follow the link below: -

Food Fair in KSL City Mall in Johor Bahru