Saturday, November 19, 2011

Saito Fish Balls with Bean Sprouts

Recently tried out this Saito fish balls with Bean sprouts in a restaurant in Malaysia. Back in the old days, most fish balls are made from Saito fish - 西刀魚 ( Ikan Parang); and these fish balls are not the perfect round and shining fishballs that you buy from the supermarket - but the fish balls back then were crunchy and delicious. You can actually taste generous portion of fish that were used to make the fish balls.

There are still food stalls/outlets in Malaysia selling Saito fish balls. Some are good and many are just average in taste. Anyway I always make a point to try them out if I see a hawker or restaurant selling Saito Fish balls soup. There is no harming eating more fish than chicken meat; as it is healthier for us.

I liked to eat Saito fish balls with bean sprouts or green vegetables. The fish balls soup should be clear and not oily. If you are wondering where you can eat the Saito fishballs with bean sprouts as shown in this blog; just click the link below to my blog -

Saito Fish Balls Soup with Bean Sprouts
