Monday, June 7, 2010

City Park in Johor Bahru

   If you are in City Square Mall at Johor Bahru and would liked to take a stroll outside the Mall, you could go the the mini park just opposite the Mall. The park is not located directly opposite the City Square Mall. After crossing the road or alternatively you can use the overhead pedestrian bridge, you need to keep left and continue walking.


   After you reach Plaza Seni which is a old mall, you can see rows of small stalls selling all kinds of stuff on the pavement. This is where the walk starts to get interesting. You can visit these individual stalls and they offer a wide variety of products, especially leather goods and bags at very reasonable prices. Sometimes I do my shopping here, when I want to buy leather belts, caps or bags.

   The city park is most of the time quite deserted. You will see people walking by, using this park as a route to reach their final destinations. For me, sometimes I would sit at the bench on this park and relax under the shade of the trees. It is quite relaxing and peaceful here. However, like many of the places in Johor Bahru, the park is not well maintained but it is reasonable clean. In my opinion, it is relatively safe here during the day, as you still can see people walking along the pavements and children with parents. If the Johor Bahru administration could renovate this park, add more interesting kiosks, and create more social activities here, I am sure that more people would visit this park. After all, there isn't any nice park around this area except this city park. 

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