Monday, July 11, 2011

KFC Malaysia on Successful Crisis Management

My friend shared a video to me about a staff in KFC Malaysia tampering with the food that he was preparing it in the kitchen restaurant. I think this employee was having fun by lifting the chicken with his foot. Of course anyone who view this video would be disgusted with this act and may stopped patronizing KFC in Malaysia. After all, there are many restaurants in Malaysia serving fried chickens. If you have not watch the video, here is the video from Youtube.

KFC Malaysia immediately took action to mitigate the damage to its reputation by conducting its own internal investigation, filing a police report, using Youtube video and Facebook to explain and engage its customers and the public on the actions that KFC Malaysia took to address this problem; and steps taken to prevent such incidents from happening again. The KFC Malaysia video is below:-

KFC Malaysia had demonstrated successfully its ability to handle this crisis in a professional manner; and more importantly took positive steps to regain customers' confidence in their restaurants and brand. I think this case should be included as a case study in the curriculum of those studying business course either in polytechnics or university.

Personally, I will continue to patronize KFC restaurants in Malaysia. By the way, many of my friends and myself included love the KFC chicken rice. The chicken rice is really delicious, even better than some of the so called famous chicken rice stalls in Malaysia. I have also written a blog previously comparing KFC Malaysia and KFC Singapore - which is better in terms of food and ambiance?  If you want to find out, just follow the link below -

Comparing KFC Malaysia and KFC Singapore

